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BIOEFFECTIVES - Superpowerful Force of Siberian Nature

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Supplements produced by SOLAGIFT from the Siberian city of Tomsk are a powerful source of natural strength. Supplements action - activation of own immunity, protection against infectious agents, improvement and restoration of digestive function, support of the cardiovascular system, improvement of brain activity, protection of liver cells, increases the level of hemoglobin, strengthens the immune system, increases efficiency.

Russian scientists were the first in the world to prove the ability of Siberian fir terpenes to start the process of autophagy in the human body - cleansing from "cellular debris", thereby contributing to an increase in life expectancy. The results of their work were published in the September issue of the international scientific journal Aging. Siberian fir terpenes are present in the bioactive additive A320.

Bialogically active complexes based on fir needle:

BIOEFFECTIVE A320 - chlorophyll-carotene food complex for prevention of infections.

BIOEFFECTIVE A320 is a comprehensive protection of the immune system, support of digestion functions, anti-age therapy Evergreen needles are a factory of natural, uncultivated amino acids, vitamins, phytoncides and many other biologically active substances. These "living elements" resist infections, activate the body's defenses and have a powerful ecoprotective effect.


activation of own immunity, protection against infectious agents, improvement and restoration of digestive function.

ABIEPRENOLS 10 - daily protection of the liver, heart and brain.

ABIEPRENOLS 10 is a highly purified polyprenol concentrate. Neuro-, cardio-, hepatoprotector and immunostimulant. Polyprenols are included in the list of vital components for the human body as they are the building blocks for damaged human cells. They help to stabilize cell membranes and restore cells of the brain, heart, liver and other organs, stimulate energy exchange and the regenerative potential of body tissues.

ABIEPRENOLS 10 action:

support of the cardiovascular system, improvement of brain activity, protection of liver cells.

SIBERIAN RED - prevention of iron deficiency and strengthening the immune system.

SIBERIAN RED is a natural high-quality product obtained by the method of subcritical carbon dioxide extraction from Siberian fir greens. It is a natural source of readily available iron in the form of an iron-maltol complex. Maltol is a powerful natural antioxidant that blocks free radicals, preventing them from destroying cells and the integrity of body tissues, and also promotes better absorption of iron. The product is effective for iron deficiency, increased demand for Fe, unbalanced nutrition and restrictive diets, in sports and anti-age nutrition programs.


increases the level of hemoglobin, strengthens the immune system, increases efficiency.

Biologically active complexes Bioeffectives:

  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • they normalize the work of organs and systems;
  • eliminate minor deviations in functionality. they have a tonic effect;
  • improves immunity;
  • restore the intestinal microflora;
  • activates the elimination of toxins.

The basis in the creation of drugs is the recipes of traditional medicine, which have successfully passed centuries of testing in practice. They include only plant components that have been verified by scientific studies that have confirmed the healing properties.


Results 1 - 3 of 3

BIOEFFECTIVES Based on Siberian Fir Needle

BIOEFFECTIVE A320 - immunity protection

Chlorophyll-carotene natural food...

35,00 €
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ABIEPRENOLS 10 - protection of the liver, heart and brain

A powerful natural immunomodulator and...

49,00 €
Current Stock Level

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SIBERIAN RED - immunomodulator, antioxidant and ecoprotector

100% natural adaptogen and source of...

49,00 €
Current Stock Level

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Uniqueness of the company NPCRIZ is determined by the exclusive rights to promote the latest high-performance products of the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology in the fields of medicine, genetics and molecular biology. 

Products are not medicines.

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