
0 products


Bonomarlot® Cytomaxes Peptide complex to the bone marrow.
Bonomarlot is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-20.
Bonomarlot peptides buy »
During anemia of different genesis (anemic type);
in complex treatment of oncological patients;
at hypoalimentation.
Bonothyrk® bonothyrk Peptide complex for parathyroid.
Bonothyrk is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-21.
Bonothyrk peptides buy »
In osteoporosis;
during deossification and urolithiasis;
in muscle weakness, hyperplasia parathyroid;
at numbness and muscle spasms, caused by hypocalcemia.
Cerluten® cerluten Peptide complex for brain tissues.
Cerluten is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-5.
Cerluten peptides buy »
after-care for stroke patients;
memory loss and lack of concentration;
Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease;
multiple sclerosis; chronic fatigue syndrome;
depression; neuralgia and peripheral neuropathy.
Chelohart® chelohart Peptide bioregulator for heart muscle - myocardium.
Chelohart is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-14.
Chelohart peptides buy »
Coronary artery disease;
hypertonic disease;
myocardial infarction;
myocardiodystrophy of different origin;
heart failure.
Chitomur® chitomur Peptide bioregulator for bladder.
Chitomur is a natural peptide preparation. 
Peptide complex A-12.
Chitomur peptides buy »
Chronic cystitis;
urination disorders caused by prostate disease;
urination disorders caused by menopause;
neurogenic bladder dysfunction;
urinary incontinence caused by woman's pelvic organ prolapse.
 Endoluten® 20cap endoluten Peptide complex for neuroendocrine system.
Endoluten is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-8.
Endoluten-20 peptides buy »
Regulates the neuroendocrine system;
regulates all cyclic processes in the body;
synchronizes the biological clock;
regulates the reproductive system;
slows down menopause processes;
increases fertility rate;
prevents cancer, particularly of the reproductive system (reduces risk of cancer up to 5 times);
regulates immune and antioxidant status;
increases life expectancy. 
Endoluten® 60cap   endoluten Peptide complex for neuroendocrine system.
Endoluten is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-8.
Endoluten-60 peptides buy »
Regulates the neuroendocrine system;
regulates all cyclic processes in the body;
synchronizes the biological clock;
regulates the reproductive system;
slows down menopause processes;
increases fertility rate;
prevents cancer, particularly of the reproductive system (reduces risk of cancer up to 5 times);
regulates immune and antioxidant status;
increases life expectancy.
 Glandokort®  glandokort Peptide bioregulator for adrenal glands.
Glandokort is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-17.
Glandokort peptides buy »
 Works alongside the adrenal gland to restore and re-energize itself;
combats adrenal fatigue or weak glands by maintaining adrenal activity;
imperative for both emotional and physical well-being;
serves the same role as peptide bioregulators developed naturally in the body;
no adverse side effects.
 Gotratix®  gotratix  Peptide bioregulator for muscles.
Gotratix is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-18.
Gotratix peptides buy »
For sportsmen and individuals involved in manual labour;
for increasing the spare capacities of muscular tissue;
for decreasing the muscular fatigue.
 Libidon® libidon  Peptide bioregulator for prostate.
Libidon is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-16.
Libidon peptides buy »
Chronic prostatitis;
BPH (Benign prostatic hyperplasia);
erectile dysfunction;
decline in semen quality;
low libido;
male infertility.
 Pielotax®  pielotax Peptide bioregulator for kidneys.
Pielotax is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-9.
Pielotax peptides buy »
Normalization of urinary system;
chronic pyelonephritis;
interstitial nephritis, glomerulonephritis;
tubulopathy of various origins;
anomalies of the urinary tract;
urolithiasis (kidney stones);
renal failure. 
 Sigumir® sigumir  Peptide bioregulator for joints and spine.
Sigumir is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-4.
Sigumir peptides buy »
 Stamakort® stamakort  Peptide bioregulator for stomach.
Stamakort is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-10.
Stamakort peptides buy » 
Regulation of gastrointestinal function;
prevention of gastritis and peptic ulcer;
faster healing of gastric mucosal defects;
treatment of polyps in the stomach;
gastric cancer prevention;
accelerated elimination of Helicobacter Pylori;
prophylactic treatment of heartburn, belching, bloating and other digestive disorders. 
 Suprefort® suprefort  Peptide bioregulator for pancreas.
Suprefort is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-1.
Suprefort peptides buy »
Pancreas problems;
digestion disorders;
chronic pancreatitis;
dysfunction of the pancreas;
dyfunctions of the lipid and carbohydrates metabolism;
type I and II Diabetes. 
 Svetinorm® svetinorm  Peptide bioregulator for liver.
Svetinorm is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-7.
Svetinorm peptides buy » 
Correction of metabolism;
liver function improvement;
chronic hepatitis;
chronic intoxications;
skin diseases;
improves functions of lipid metabolism during atherosclerosis and obesity;
diabetes prevention. 
 Taxorest®  taxorest Peptide bioregulator for bronchi mucosa.
Taxorest is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-19.
Taxorest peptides buy » 
Chronic bronchitis;
smoker’s cough;
bronchial asthma;
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
chronic cardiac failure;
a medical history of bronchial and pulmonary diseases of various origins.
 Testoluten®  testoluten Peptide bioregulator for male reproductive system.
Testoluten is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-13.
Testoluten peptides buy » 
Enhances functional activity of a male body;
regulates male hormonal status;
increases libido;
improves erectile function;
regulates sperm motility. 
Thyreogen®  thyreogen  Peptide bioregulator for thyroid.
Thyreogen is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-2.
Thyreogen peptides buy » 
Metabolic disorders;
prevention of the thyroid diseases;
thyroid nodules;
autoimmune diseases. 
 Ventfort®  ventfort Peptide bioregulator for vascular system.
Ventfort is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-3.
Ventfort peptides buy »
atherosclerosis of the limb vessels;
atherosclerosis of the brain vessels;
dysfunction of the blood circulation in the brain;
ischemic heart disease;
obliterating endarteritis;
 Visoluten®  visoluten Peptide bioregulator for eyes.
Visoluten is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-11.
Visoluten peptides buy » 
Regulation of the functions of the visual analyzer;
alleviation of the spasm of accommodation;
the initial stages of glaucoma and cataracts;
angiopathy of the retina;
visual field constriction;
retinal degeneration and detachment;
optic atrophy;
 Vladonix®  vladonix Peptide bioregulator for immune system.
Vladonix is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-6.
Vladonix peptides buy » 
prevention of cancer;
after-care from severe diseases;
for various chronically intoxications;
after-care from stroke and heart attack;
post surgeries;
anti-ageing program. 
 Zhenoluten®  zhenoluten  Peptide bioregulator for female reproductive system.
Zhenoluten is a natural peptide preparation.
Peptide complex A-15.
Zhenoluten peptides buy »
Ovarian dysfunction;
menstrual irregularities;
menopausal disorders;
hormone related diseases of the female reproductive system;
low libido. 


Uniqueness of the company NPCRIZ is determined by the exclusive rights to promote the latest high-performance products of the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology in the fields of medicine, genetics and molecular biology. 

Products are not medicines.

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