Bonomarlot® | Peptide complex to the bone marrow. Bonomarlot is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-20. Bonomarlot peptides buy » |
During anemia of different genesis (anemic type); in complex treatment of oncological patients; at hypoalimentation. |
Bonothyrk® | Peptide complex for parathyroid. Bonothyrk is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-21. Bonothyrk peptides buy » |
In osteoporosis; during deossification and urolithiasis; in muscle weakness, hyperplasia parathyroid; at numbness and muscle spasms, caused by hypocalcemia. |
Cerluten® | Peptide complex for brain tissues. Cerluten is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-5. Cerluten peptides buy » |
Atherosclerosis; after-care for stroke patients; memory loss and lack of concentration; Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease; multiple sclerosis; chronic fatigue syndrome; depression; neuralgia and peripheral neuropathy. |
Chelohart® | Peptide bioregulator for heart muscle - myocardium. Chelohart is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-14. Chelohart peptides buy » |
Coronary artery disease; hypertonic disease; myocarditis; myocardial infarction; myocardiodystrophy of different origin; heart failure. |
Chitomur® | Peptide bioregulator for bladder. Chitomur is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-12. Chitomur peptides buy » |
Chronic cystitis; urination disorders caused by prostate disease; urination disorders caused by menopause; neurogenic bladder dysfunction; urinary incontinence caused by woman's pelvic organ prolapse. |
Endoluten® 20cap | Peptide complex for neuroendocrine system. Endoluten is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-8. Endoluten-20 peptides buy » |
Regulates the neuroendocrine system; regulates all cyclic processes in the body; synchronizes the biological clock; regulates the reproductive system; slows down menopause processes; increases fertility rate; prevents cancer, particularly of the reproductive system (reduces risk of cancer up to 5 times); regulates immune and antioxidant status; increases life expectancy. |
Endoluten® 60cap | Peptide complex for neuroendocrine system. Endoluten is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-8. Endoluten-60 peptides buy » |
Regulates the neuroendocrine system; regulates all cyclic processes in the body; synchronizes the biological clock; regulates the reproductive system; slows down menopause processes; increases fertility rate; prevents cancer, particularly of the reproductive system (reduces risk of cancer up to 5 times); regulates immune and antioxidant status; increases life expectancy. |
Glandokort® | Peptide bioregulator for adrenal glands. Glandokort is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-17. Glandokort peptides buy » |
Works alongside the adrenal gland to restore and re-energize itself; combats adrenal fatigue or weak glands by maintaining adrenal activity; imperative for both emotional and physical well-being; serves the same role as peptide bioregulators developed naturally in the body; no adverse side effects. |
Gotratix® | Peptide bioregulator for muscles. Gotratix is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-18. Gotratix peptides buy » |
For sportsmen and individuals involved in manual labour; for increasing the spare capacities of muscular tissue; for decreasing the muscular fatigue. |
Libidon® | Peptide bioregulator for prostate. Libidon is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-16. Libidon peptides buy » |
Chronic prostatitis; BPH (Benign prostatic hyperplasia); erectile dysfunction; decline in semen quality; low libido; male infertility. |
Pielotax® | Peptide bioregulator for kidneys. Pielotax is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-9. Pielotax peptides buy » |
Normalization of urinary system; chronic pyelonephritis; interstitial nephritis, glomerulonephritis; tubulopathy of various origins; anomalies of the urinary tract; urolithiasis (kidney stones); renal failure. |
Sigumir® | Peptide bioregulator for joints and spine. Sigumir is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-4. Sigumir peptides buy » |
Arthritis; rheumatism; osteochondrosis; osteoporosis; gout. |
Stamakort® | Peptide bioregulator for stomach. Stamakort is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-10. Stamakort peptides buy » |
Regulation of gastrointestinal function; prevention of gastritis and peptic ulcer; faster healing of gastric mucosal defects; treatment of polyps in the stomach; gastric cancer prevention; accelerated elimination of Helicobacter Pylori; prophylactic treatment of heartburn, belching, bloating and other digestive disorders. |
Suprefort® | Peptide bioregulator for pancreas. Suprefort is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-1. Suprefort peptides buy » |
Pancreas problems; digestion disorders; chronic pancreatitis; dysfunction of the pancreas; dyfunctions of the lipid and carbohydrates metabolism; type I and II Diabetes. |
Svetinorm® | Peptide bioregulator for liver. Svetinorm is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-7. Svetinorm peptides buy » |
Correction of metabolism; liver function improvement; chronic hepatitis; chronic intoxications; skin diseases; improves functions of lipid metabolism during atherosclerosis and obesity; diabetes prevention. |
Taxorest® | Peptide bioregulator for bronchi mucosa. Taxorest is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-19. Taxorest peptides buy » |
Chronic bronchitis; smoker’s cough; bronchial asthma; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; chronic cardiac failure; a medical history of bronchial and pulmonary diseases of various origins. |
Testoluten® | Peptide bioregulator for male reproductive system. Testoluten is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-13. Testoluten peptides buy » |
Enhances functional activity of a male body; regulates male hormonal status; increases libido; improves erectile function; regulates sperm motility. |
Thyreogen® | Peptide bioregulator for thyroid. Thyreogen is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-2. Thyreogen peptides buy » |
Metabolic disorders; prevention of the thyroid diseases; hyperthyroidism; hypothyroidism; thyroid nodules; autoimmune diseases. |
Ventfort® | Peptide bioregulator for vascular system. Ventfort is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-3. Ventfort peptides buy » |
Hypertension; atherosclerosis of the limb vessels; atherosclerosis of the brain vessels; dysfunction of the blood circulation in the brain; ischemic heart disease; varices; encephalopathy; obliterating endarteritis; hemorrhoid; angiopathy. |
Visoluten® | Peptide bioregulator for eyes. Visoluten is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-11. Visoluten peptides buy » |
Regulation of the functions of the visual analyzer; alleviation of the spasm of accommodation; the initial stages of glaucoma and cataracts; angiopathy of the retina; visual field constriction; retinal degeneration and detachment; optic atrophy; retinopathy. |
Vladonix® | Peptide bioregulator for immune system. Vladonix is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-6. Vladonix peptides buy » |
Immunodeficiency; prevention of cancer; after-care from severe diseases; for various chronically intoxications; after-care from stroke and heart attack; post surgeries; anti-ageing program. |
Zhenoluten® | Peptide bioregulator for female reproductive system. Zhenoluten is a natural peptide preparation. Peptide complex A-15. Zhenoluten peptides buy » |
Ovarian dysfunction; menstrual irregularities; endometriosis; anogyny; menopausal disorders; hormone related diseases of the female reproductive system; low libido. |