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The pharmaceutical company PHARM-SYNTHESIS has achieved a leading position in the field of synthesis of innovative substances and modern finished medicines. Advanced technologies have been mastered for the production of deposited forms, controlled-release drugs, targeted delivery of radiopharmaceuticals, industrial isolation of stereoisomers, and many others.

The company's portfolio includes original drugs and generics, and all reproduced products had the status of a “first” generic at the time they entered the market.

We are proud of the highly effective drugs we have developed for oncology, oncourology, surgery, gastroenterology, gynecology, endocrinology, resuscitation and radioisotope diagnostics.

pharm syntez plant


PHARM-SYNTHESIS is a modern Russian pharmaceutical enterprise that has been successfully operating since 1997. Our credo is the synthesis of active pharmaceutical substances and the production of finished dosage forms.

The production program is fully focused on import substitution and the production of original medicines. The company produces the most modern, vital and essential drugs for the treatment and diagnosis of various serious and rare diseases.

The PHARM-SYNTHESIS production is located in the Kaluga region in the city of Borovsk. This is a new and modern production facility, built according to GMP standards and certified by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

PHARM-SYNTHESIS medicinal products are produced in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the production of medicinal products (Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade No. 916 of June 14, 2013, GOST R 52249-2009). In this case, international standards are used as recommendations.


Uniqueness of the company NPCRIZ is determined by the exclusive rights to promote the latest high-performance products of the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology in the fields of medicine, genetics and molecular biology. 

Products are not medicines.

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