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PEPTOLINE 8 for Visual Organs

Peptide complex to rejuvenate and restore the functioning of the organs of vision.

Base price 25,00 €
25,00 €

PEPTOLINE 8 (visual organs) stimulates the growth and development of epithelial cells of the conjunctiva and cornea, regulates the synthesis of the optic pigment of the retinal rods - rhodopsin, and the visual pigment of the cones - iodopsin, improves blood circulation in the retinal region, preventing its atrophy and exfoliation, helps to increase the elasticity of the lens of the eye and its suspension ligamentous apparatus the rate of progression of the pathology of refraction of the eye - myopia and hyperopia, prevents the development of cataracts and glaucoma.


PeptoLine 8 - to rejuvenate and restore the functioning of the organs of vision. It improves blood circulation in the retinal area, preventing its atrophy and flaking, helps to increase the elasticity of the lens, slows down the rate of progression of myopia and farsightedness, prevents the development of cataracts and glaucoma.


water, transdermal agent, low molecular weight bioregulatory oligopeptides, balanced complex of amino acids, succinic and tartaric acids, taurine, polysorbate 80, resveratrol, coenzyme Q10, lipoic acid, extracts: blueberry shoots, calamus, marshmallow.

Application method:

apply in an amount of 8-10 drops on the skin of the inner surface of the forearm and rub in with light massaging movements until completely absorbed 1 time per day. Duration of use is 2-3 months. The courses are recommended to be held 2-3 times a year.

Form release:

18 ml


Guaranteed authenticity and quality:

100% Original from BeautyVital (Russian Federation)

Development and production:

BeautyVital (Russian Federation)

The past is experience, the present is the reality in which we live, the future is hope. To make hope a reality, BeautyVital offers a range of high quality products, created from natural raw materials using unique ingredients. The essential difference between BeautyVital products is that we do not use individual components, but create combinations in which the effect of each element is enhanced and gives the maximum healing and rejuvenating effect.

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Uniqueness of the company NPCRIZ is determined by the exclusive rights to promote the latest high-performance products of the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology in the fields of medicine, genetics and molecular biology. 

Products are not medicines.

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