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Role of proteins in a body

     It is well known that proteins are construction material for any live organism. The role of proteins in the body is extremely diverse. Each protein has its own unique structure and performs in the body strictly defined function.

DNA research

Protein hormones are involved in all the life processes - growth, reproduction, etc.

We are able to move thanks to the contractile proteins actin and myosin, contained in the muscles.

Protein enzymes maintain all chemical processes - respiration, digestion, metabolism, etc. For example, the protein pepsin contained in the gastric juice helps digest food. Photosensitive protein rhodopsin which forms an image is on the retina is responsible for the sight.

Protein hemoglobin carries oxygen to all cells and provides the output of carbon dioxide from the body. Hemoglobin - protein of red blood cells that carry oxygen from lungs to the tissues.

Proteins immunoglobulins (antibodies) are protecting the body from pathogens, viruses and bacteria.

Protein fibrinogen is responsible for blood clotting in cuts and bleeding wounds. Despite the fact that the above substance in the body operate such different functions, they all are called proteins. Why? Because all proteins are composed of amino acids.

What are peptides

Peptide molecule

     Peptide is a molecule consisting of two or more amino acids, linked together with a peptide bond Externally, protein looks like a chain, in which the number of links depends on the number of the amino acids it includes. Proteins or the chains of amino acids may be both long and short. The short ones are called peptides.

Peptide is a molecule consisting of two or more amino acids, linked together with a peptide bond.

Size of a peptide is up to 1nm; therefore, peptides can be rightly numbered as a part of Nanoworld. Conventionally, it is believed that one peptide molecule consists of under 100 amino acids while protein molecule – over 100. Peptides can be derived from plants or animals as well as artificially synthesized.

Effects of peptides

     Life exists because of two kinds of molecules: peptides that carry information and DNA that carries information as well but being just a matrix is inactive. A compound of peptide and a certain part of DNA is a signal for synthesis of a specific protein. 


     Life exists because of two kinds of molecules: peptides and DNA. In a body peptides carry information transferring biological information from one cell to another in order to provide the right functioning of the body. If a cell works right, the whole body works properly, therefore, if a cell malfunctions it leads to illnesses of the whole body.

Conventional medicine provides the only way to cure illnesses – drugs. However, drugs are non-organic and body cannot create a single live cell from it. All the non-organic substances turn to salts of oxalic acid and accumulate in a body leading to arthrosis, arthritis, atherosclerosis etc.

Main effect of the most of medicaments is blocking of non-specific proteins synthesised by a certain part of body. However, the reason why the body started synthesising the non-specific protein is a question none of doctors is capable to answer.

Drugs do not cure as they fight the consequences rather than causes. To start functioning properly body has to get back to the original state. Medicaments are not capable to affect this process. Body needs to be helped to recover rather than consequences to be removed.

Besides medical therapy a disease can be fought using the replacement therapy, providing body with vitamins, hormones, micro-elements etc. In this case the body is inactive as the systems responsible for creation of particular substances stop functioning. Eventually, the cell loses its ability to function as being redundant.

Natural peptides are organic substances that regulate the condition of a cell. What happens when peptides get into the body? They make a cell to function properly and body starts to cure itself. In other words, the process of restoration of an ill part of the body is launched due to normalization of its work on the cellular level. Neither chemical nor surgical intervention is needed. 

If a body is intoxicated, recovery process with help of biologically active food supplements may take ages while it does not matter in the case of peptides. When they get into the body they start doing their job straight away giving the new life to cells. They replace old, ill cells with the new ones. Entering cell peptides are capable to increase its lifetime up to 30%-40%. When they enter the body an active process of recovery is launched.

Peptide bio regulators have a unique capability to restore the protein synthesis in a body that is decreased due to illness or aging. It goes along with increased adaptation potential and recovery of the functional activity of the body. Besides, peptides regulate the activity of genes decreasing the activity of "bad" genes and activating the "good" genes, if necessary, stimulating reproduction of proteins.

How age and other factors may affect the protein synthesis


     As we know already, proteins are main building material for a body. Every single process in an organism involves these protein “molecules of life”. All the cells in the body have a capability to constantly synthesise and maintain the necessary level of protein. However, the level of protein is not always meets the required as its synthesis depends on a number of factors. Fluctuation of the protein synthesis may be caused by various situations, stressful for the body; physical or emotional stress, climatic or time zones adaptation, weakened immune system etc.

Besides, protein synthesis smoothly reduces with age, this leads to a body dysfunction and eventually death. The amount of peptides in a body of 55 years old man is 10 times less than in a body of 20 years old. Therefore elderly people have longer lasting sicknesses and recovery periods.

Some people leave until 100-110 years, they reach their age without any bio regulators but using their own resources, lifestyle, food diet. Unfortunately, they are less than 1%.

Theoretically, natural aging starts after reaching 90 years old and what we see now is accelerated, premature aging. Main reasons to that are ecology, social factors and one’s disregard for his own health as well as medicine focus on emergency assistance rather than treatment. To help the situation we need either to change external factors (that is quite problematic) or help the nature – our own body. Up to date peptide bio regulators are one of the most effective ways to maintain health prolonging and improving quality of life. 

Is it possible to compensate the lack of protein (peptides) with food?

     Peptides or the short chains of protein are contained in various food products such as fish, meat, botanicals, etc. When we eat a piece of meat, protein is being digested and split into short peptides that are being absorbed into stomach, small intestine, blood, cell and eventually DNA, regulating the activity of genes.


     Protein metabolism in a human body is very complex. Depending on the condition of the body, the amount of specific proteins needed, constantly varies. Proteins are being split, synthesised, some amino acids turn into another or disintegrate, producing energy. As a result of vital activity of a human body some proteins are being lost, normally it is around 25-30 grams per day. Therefore protein must be constantly present in a human’s diet, in right quantities.

Nowadays, people, mostly, eat irrationally both in qualitative and quantitative terms. Diet is not followed, timing is random, food is very often excessively overcooked, refined and lacks nutrients. In case of such an unbalanced nutrition a body, primarily, undergoes the protein deficiency that leads to the crash of vital functions.

As it is quite a difficult task, now, to establish and maintain the right diet, most of people are in deficit of protein. Although, a human body is a brilliant self-renovating system, it fails functioning properly if it lacks the construction material, that as we know are proteins. A reasonable way out of this situation is the use of peptide bio-regulators, especially effective for weakened and elderly people.

Peptides actively prevent aging process, launch recovery mechanisms, increase the resistance of cells to toxins and other harmful factors.

For whom is it to use peptides?

     The task of gerontologists is development of drugs that are safe, harmless and reliably preserve the quality of life as long as possible. Peptide bio-regulation is one of the most promising ways in this direction and it is being studied by the leading scientists from Germany, Israel, Russia etc.

 Prof. V.Kh. Khavinson

As a result of 20 years long research, The Institute of Gerontology and Bio-Regulation led by Prof. V.Kh. Khavinson developed a special program focusing on prevention of age-related problems, decrease mortality and increase the working period. A few years ago Russian president approved the program of implementation of peptide drugs into medicine. 

It is found that systematic use of peptide drugs is advisable for people reaching the second half of life – starting from 40.  In addition it is expedient for people suffering from extreme factors as for athletes, for instance.

Peptide bio-regulators normalize protein synthesis, thus, preventing changes related to aging and illnesses. They are used preventing and curing states connected with malfunction of body’s resistance abilities, besides they effectively increase existing methods of rehabilitation after various extreme factors as traumas, intoxication, infections, stress, etc.

Which of peptides are the most important

     President of the gerontological society in the Russian Science Academy – Dr. Anisimov argues that the most important factors to extend the youth are life style and the good mood. While the life style is beyond the doubts, importance of the good mood is not so obvious and needs reasoning.

It is known that serotonin is the hormone of happiness but is not so widely known that it is responsible for the production of one of the key hormones resisting the aging process – melatonin.

Serotonin, in turn, is synthesised from the tryptophan amino acid. When we consume tryptophan with food, body turns most of it into serotonin. It is widely contained in cheese, cottage cheese, milk, eggs, lean meat, lentils and monkey nuts.

However, ferments responsible for conversion of serotonin into melatonin are suppressed by the light. Therefore production of melatonin hormone occurs only during the night. Therefore it is very important for a body to sleep between 12am and 3am as in this time period melatonin, preventing ageing, is being synthesised. If a person constantly works night shifts it speeds up ageing. Thus, melatonin production is mainly affected by the night sleep.

It important to mention that some products contain ready melatonin, for instance: corn, rise, tomatoes, oats, raisins, bananas, etc.

It is possible to buy synthesised melatonin in a pharmacy. It is used for insomnia, time zone change, etc. In USA it is considered to be a biologically active food supplement while in Germany, for instance, is sold with prescription. Constant or long use of synthesised melatonin is not recommended as all the hormonal medicaments cause addiction. Besides its effect is not fully studied and considered to bequite dangerous by some scientists, it can even provoke appearance of cancer cells.

Melatonin is synthesised by the pineal gland cells (epiphysis). Epiphysis is one of the most important organs in the human body - it is responsible for the daily and seasonal rhythms, immune system, regulates the functional state of the endocrine glands, protects the body from free radicals, and thus from cancer, AIDS, etc. State of thymus is completely dependent on the epiphysis.

Thymus - is an endocrine gland, which plays a crucial role in the formation of immunity. It stimulates the development of T-("thymus") cells. T-cell (a type of lymphocytes) fighting ingested foreign substances and has control over the production of antibodies against the disease-causing agents.

Endocrine system

Epiphysis and thymus are especially active in kids’ and young people’s brain. Epiphysis starts degrading with age that leads to decreased melatonin synthesis. Same happens with the thymus that leads to decreased synthesis of thymuline hormone fighting with illnesses with T-cells. It all affects the immune system and organs malfunction. He process of aging is increased and chronicle illnesses appear.

It needs to be mentioned, that while studying epiphysis, it was found out that it interacts not only with thymus but also other endocrine glands, particularly with thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, etc. Therefore you can control function of the whole body normalizing the work of epiphysis. That is why the first peptide regulators were:

The Epithalamin (another name is Endoluten) epiphysis peptides, providing the human pineal gland working in the right rhythm to produce the hormone of youth;

The Thymalin (another name is Vladonix) thymus peptides, responsible for immune system as well as capability of the immune system to function in case of autoimmune illnesses, therefore responsible for the full regulation.

Following peptide preparations in order of actuality:

  • affecting cardiovascular system - Ventfort
  • affecting neural tissue and brain - Cerluten
  • affecting liver - Svetinorm
  • affecting ovary/prostate cells - Zhenoluten/Libidon

All the mentioned preparations are recommended to everyone after age of 40 as a prophylaxis. The rest should be taken if necessary.

How to take peptides

     As the recovery of functional capability of cells happens gradually and depends on how damaged they are, the effect becomes visible after 1-2 weeks. The recommended length of a course is 1-3 months. Important for the consideration, peptides consumption has a prolonged effect, they stay and work in the body months after. The gained effect stays for over a half a year and following courses amplify it.


As any peptide bio-regulator is aimed to a certain organ, taking multiple preparations is recommended if necessary. Besides, they are compatible with any other medicaments increasing the effect. 

Peptide bio-regulators come as capsules as well as liquid. Short peptides are not being transformed when digested so they easy can be taken as capsules by any one.

In the digestive tract peptides are disintegrated to di- and tri-peptides. Following disintegration to amino acids takes place in bowel. That means that peptides can be taken even without a capsule, it matters when a person cannot swallow a capsule to a certain reason. It also concerns kids and weakened people when it is needed to decrease the dosage.

Liquid peptide complexes

Peptide bio-regulators are to be taken as a prophylaxis as well as due to therapeutic reasons. As a prophylaxis for various organs malfunction it is recommended to take one capsule, twice a day with food, for 30 days. To fix the malfunction or increase effectiveness of complex treatment it is recommended to take two capsules, 2-3 times a day with food, for 30 days.

Importantly, liquid peptide complexes are 2-2,5 times less effective than capsules. Therefore the course time should be prolonged. Liquid peptide complexes are applied to the inner surface of the forearm in the projection of veins on or the wrist and pounded until completely absorbed. In 7-15 minutes the peptides are binding to dendritic cells, which carry out their further transport to the lymph nodes, from where the peptides go with the flow of blood to the certain organs and tissues. Although peptides are protein substances, their molecular weight is much smaller than proteins, so they can easily penetrate through the skin. Furthermore the penetration is increased by the connection to fat base, which is why almost all the external use peptide complexes are composed from fatty acids. 

Peptides in cosmetology - peptide creams

     Peptides can be included not only in medicines but also different products as, in example cellular cosmetics with natural and synthesized peptides that work on deep skin layers. External skin aging depends on many factors: life style, stress, sun light, climate changes, diet, etc. With age skin becomes dehydrated, less elastic, wrinkled. Obviously it is impossible to abort the aging process but it is possible to slow it down with revolutionary cosmetology ingredients – low molecular peptides.

Peptides are unique as can freely penetrate through the stratum corneum into the dermis to the level of living cells and capillaries. Skin recovery starts from deep inside and as a result skin stays fresh for a long time. Peptide cosmetology does not cause addiction.

Cosmetology corporations coming up with new “miracles” but quite often it is just a marketing move. For example, most of cosmetology companies produce creams with collagen as the main ingredient, while independent scientists from various UK universities have proven that collagen molecules are too big and incapable to penetrate skin. They just stay on the surface until washed off with water that makes no sense. 

As another popular ingredient of anti-aging cosmetics is resveratrol, it is indeed a powerful antioxidant and immune stimulator, but only as a micro injection. If applying it on the skin it does not affect the collagen synthesis.


     Hormonal cosmetics that causes addiction and after stop using it skin looks like a wrinkled apple does not worth to speak about at all. 

Unlike mentioned and not mentioned preparations with the very doubtful effect, scientists from Saint Petersburg institute of bio-regulation and gerontology developed really unique series of cellular cosmetics. 

It is based on a group of natural peptide complexes with various application points, massively affecting skin. As a result skin recovery process and micro circulation of the blood are stimulated. It all that reflects on the lifting, improved texture, color and moisture of skin.

The peptide series of cellular cosmetics Reviline ® also includes powerful antioxidant complex, natural superoxide dismutase (SOD) and inductors obtained by biotechnology. These complexes have antioxidant, immunomodulatory, UV-a protective, fallout and antitumor effects, significantly accelerating the process of detoxification and regeneration of the skin cells.

At present there are 19 kinds of Reviline creams, including anti-aging and skin problem (with thymic peptides), anti-wrinkle face and body, for stretch marks and scars (with peptides osteochondral tissue), against spider veins (with peptides of vessels), cellulite (with peptides of the liver), eyes puffiness and dark circles (with peptides of pancreas, blood vessels, bone and cartilage and thymus), for varicose veins (with peptides of vessels and bone and cartilage), etc. All the creams in addition to peptide complexes contain other powerful active ingredients.

Effectiveness of peptides is proven by numerous experiments and clinic researches. Of course, to look good it is not enough just to use creams, it is very important to rejuvenate your body from inside with help of various peptide complexes.

All face creams in this series do not contain harmful ingredients used by most manufacturers for cheap cosmetics as well as by well-known cosmetic brands. On the websites of known cosmetic brands there is no information about the ingredients, they prefer not to disclose it.

There is another aspect affecting the appearance - sugar. Sugar is responsible for glycosylation. Glycosylation - a chemical process that occurs in body and skin. It binds proteins such as collagen or elastin. Then these proteins lose their ability to clot, or respond to external stimuli. Then the skin loses its color and becomes dull, it droops and looks old. This is directly related to lifestyle: reduce consumption of sugar (which is healthy for normal weight) and take care of your skin every day.

Peptides - a panacea for aging?


     According to the creator of peptide drugs Dr. Khavinson aging largely depends on lifestyle: "No drugs will help unless a person has a set of knowledge and right conduct - is the observance of biorhythms, proper nutrition, exercise and consumption of certain bio-regulators". With regard to genetic susceptibility to aging, according to him, only 25 percent depends on genes.

Havinson argues that peptide complexes have a great recreational potential. However, elevating peptides to the rank of panacea is wrong.

Taking care of your health today gives you a chance to live tomorrow. We have to improve our life style ourselves – to do sport, give up bad habits, eat better. And of course use peptide bio regulators that help to stay healthy.

With age we cannot afford to take care of our health willy nilly. If you do not want tomorrow to be in such a condition that your relatives will struggle maintaining your life, if you do not want to become an encumbrance and die alone and miserable you have to start take care of yourself right now! 


Uniqueness of the company NPCRIZ is determined by the exclusive rights to promote the latest high-performance products of the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology in the fields of medicine, genetics and molecular biology. 

Products are not medicines.

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